Entrepreneur / Youtuber/ Investor

“I always had an entrepreneurial drive, but my parents wanted me to become a doctor.”

I remember when I first graduated from UCLA in 2014, thinking “Man.. I just spent the last 4 years of my life studying pre-med, and now I actually have to apply to medical school.” You see, for the last 4 years, saying that I was pre-med was the easy way out. Whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do as my career, I would proudly say I was studying to go to medical school. But now, I actually had to do it…

As Featured in:

My Life Was a Mess Back Then...

As a confused college student, I opted for a medical career, drawn to the allure of prestige and success. This decision conveniently obscured my lack of interest in obtaining a medical license.

In my youth, I lacked the courage to admit my true feelings to both my parents and myself. Driven by my proficiency in science, I assumed a medical career was my only path. However, expertise in a field doesn’t guarantee personal fulfillment or align with future aspirations.

Post-graduation, with no job offers, I embraced side hustles to sustain myself. Engaging in activities like tutoring, photography, and modeling, I relished the freedom outside academia.

While pursuing an EMT license, a failed practical exam became a turning point. Instead of viewing it as a routine setback, I saw it as a sign to reconsider my chosen path. This unexpected twist prompted me to reflect on my true passions and reshape my trajectory.

At the time, one day of graduation photography could make almost a month of EMT wages. I decided I hated working for so little and just never went back! My life was a mess back then – shortly after, I didn’t get into medical school, and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. One night while on vacation with my family, I remember my mom telling me she was super disappointed in me. That stung, and I didn’t know it yet, but I would do something about it in the coming months.

I started looking up ways to make money online, and came across something called Amazon FBA. It intrigued me, and when I was searching for a product I needed on Amazon, I realized that I should just make my own. The profits were good, it was cheap to make, and it would get my feet wet in e-commerce which was always something I had liked.

Unlike most people, I like to just jump straight into things and learn along the way. I watched a lot of YouTube videos, found a factory to make my product, and made my first big order of 500 units. At the same time, I was also working on building my athletic clothing brand called CHVRG (Charge) and was in full entrepreneur mode! I loved it, and I knew that this is what I wanted my life to be like.

I’ve had so many failures that I’m no longer scared of starting new businesses. I’ve come from a place of complete inability to chase after my dreams, to becoming a full-time entrepreneur living a pretty kick-ass life. My goal is help you guys do something similar, and in fact I believe you can do WAY more than I have. I’m nothing special, and anyone who dreams of living a non-traditional life devoid of prestigious careers, deserves to have their dreams realized.

If You’re Finding Yourself in a Similar Position, Please Reach Out!

Hundreds of people have messaged me saying they relate to my story. Whether you’re in a career path you don’t enjoy, or you’re getting pressure from your parents about doing “nothing” with your life, I hope my story can serve as a reminder that things will fall in place and you will find your purpose. If you’re interested in personal mentorship, please use the link below to book a call with me.